Tuesday, 23 February 2016

MFM LEKKI YOUTH CHURCH, LEKKI PHASE 1,(SUNDAY SERMON 21/02/16- Defeating the Enemy Behind the Scene- Pastor Chinedu Udechukwu

the spiritual controls the physical 

Defeating the enemy behind the Scene

Ministering: Pastor Chinedu Udechukwu

Ephesians Chapter 6:12

According to Apostle Paul we fight and battle against these powers:

1.       Principalities
2.      Powers
3.      Rulers of the darkness of this world
4.      Spiritual wickedness in high places


John 3:27- John answered and said, A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven. 

# For anything to happen there has to be approval from above or any spiritual supernatural force.

# the spiritual controls the physical 

# With the authority that we Christians have we can control these spiritual forces.

Daniel 9:1-3/ Daniel 10:12

# The fact that God said it if you seat down and look without doing anything or acting it out nothing would happen.
# There was a king of persia known as Darius, but in the spirit realm there was a prince of the kingdom of persia that was controlling things and the answers of greatness for the kingdom.

Luke 13: 11-12 - And, behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself. And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said unto her, Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity
# In the physical it was a backbone or joint disorder but in the spirit realm it was known as the spirit of infirmity.

# God has made provisions for us on earth but if you do not take it you would remain where you are.

There are three things you need to do:

1.       You have to acknowledge that there are powers behind the scene
2.      You need to be born again
3.      You need to get rid of negativity
4.      You need to wage war

Prayer Points

1.       Powers behind the scenes of my problem, die in the name of Jesus.
2.      Powers behind non-achievement in my life, die, in the name of Jesus.
3.      Power controlling my environment, I dethrone you now in the name of Jesus.  

4.      Every power behind the scene giving wicked instructions against my life, die in the name of Jesus.  

MFM LEKKI REGION 1 (IGBO EFON)- Sunday Sermon 21/02/16- Help From Unexpected/Unusual Places- Pastor Samuel

Ministering: Pastor Samuel

Topic: Help from unexpected places/unusual places

Text: Luke 4v 25-27 -Esther 4vs 4,7,14


1.       God can use anybody to help his children

2.      God can send help from places and people that we do not expect.   

3.      Joseph (Gen 37 v 15-17)- If not for the certain man that directed Joseph to his brothers, he wouldn't have been sold to the Egyptians.

4.      Elijah (I kings 17:4-6) God sent a raven to feed Elijah

5.      A certain man who injured on his way to Jericho (Luke 10:25-37) - It was a Samaritan man that helped him and took him for treatment when he was badly injured.

When help comes from an unexpected place:

1.       You would be lifted up.
2.      Your story changes immediately
3.      You would experience Supernatural elevation
4.      You would be ahead of your contemporaries
5.      You would be decorated, honored and celebrated.
6.      The Testimonies you do not deserve shall locate you.

What to do

1.       Surrender your life to Christ
2.      Repent from all your sins
3.      Recognize discouragement and deal with it 4. Remember how God has helped you in the past
4.      Believe in God that he would do it
5.      Aggressively pray for help from uncommon places

Prayer Points

1. Testimonies I don't deserve, locate me now in the name of Jesus.

2. O God arise, send help from unusual places in the name of Jesus.

MFM HQ YOUTH CHURCH, YABA- Warning Scriptures 1 & 2- Pastor Lanre Bankole

Be sober and vigilant...

Topic: Warning Scriptures 1 & 2
Text: Acts 20: 31-32; Col 1: 28
Preacher: Pastor Lanre Bankole

Warning Scriptures 1
1.       Be sober and vigilant/watchful (1ptr5:8)
2.    Follow peace with all men and Holiness (Heb12: 14)-  Your redemption must reflect in your conduct, character, behavior.
3.    Judgment seat, there is judgment coming (2cor5: 10)- Mercy is only for the living while judgment is for the dead
4.      Persuasion (2cor5: 11a)
5.      Consuming fire (Heb12: 29)
6.      Idle/Sinful/Perveted words (Matt12: 36)
7.   Workers of iniquity (Matt7: 21-23)-  Righteousness and Holiness are fundamentals to Christian race
8.     Respect of persons (Acts10: 34; Luk16: 15)
9.      Kingdom of God (1cor6: 9-10)
10.  Damnable heresies/ False doctrines

Warning Scriptures 2

11. Tribulation and Anguish (Rom2: 2-11; Jhn5: 14)- Sin is a magnet/catalyst to evil/destruction.  The essence why God is good to you is to provoke you to serve Him more (Rom2: 4)
12.  Secret things (Luk8: 17)- Put yourself (spirit) in a position that deep secrets of God and man will be revealed unto you.
13.  Perilous times (2tim3: 1-5)- You need to be spiritual to escape the perils of this world
14. Worldliness (Jam4: 4)- There should be a dichotomy between Christians and world people.
15.   Destruction of the world (2ptr3: 10-12)

Conclusion: Every Christian must be Heaven-minded and must not live in sin

Thursday, 18 February 2016

MFM LEKKI REGION 1 (IGBO EFON)- Sunday Sermon 14/02/16- Tragedy of disobedience- Pastor Okelani

Tragedy of disobedience

Preacher: Pastor Okelani

Text: Gen 3:11, Psalm 78:10

Gen 3: 11- And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? 12 And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. 13 And the Lord God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. 14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: 15 and I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel

Facts about disobedience to God

1.       Disobedience means not keeping to God’s covenant
2.      It means going to a direction different from God’s plan
3.      It is saying No when God says Yes
4.      Disobedience is refusal to honour God with what he has given you.
5.      Disobedience is refusal to follow God’s instruction
6.      Disobedience is when you obey man rather than obey God.
What is this tragedy?

1.       Disobedience will separate man from God.
2.      Disobedience will push man far from God e.g King Saul
3.      Disobedience to God can cause afflictions. e.g the Israelites on the journey to the promise land.
4.      Disobedience to God can take you from grace to grass e.g Nebuchadnezzar
5.      Disobedience will bring dishonour e.g King David
6.      Disobedience will bring about frustration and failure
Romans 6:23- For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

What to do?

1.   Ask God for His mercies
2.   Surrender your life to Christ in total submission of your will

Prayer Points

1. My glory that my disobedience has stolen, be restored in the name of Jesus. 

Wednesday, 17 February 2016


The Midnight Hour is best time to fight your strongest battle...


Preacher- Pastor Tobi Popoola

Text- Ps.119:62, Acts 16:25

Acts 16:25- And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.


1.       The best time to catch a thief is when d thief is in the act. So also d best time to attack is when they are in their act at midnight.
2.      For you to meet them when they are doing their evil work you must understand the principle of midnight prayers.
3.      If you had a bad day then check your night it must have been a bad night.
4.      The midnight hour is sensitive because it closes a day and starts a new day.
5.      The midnight is the hour to conquer your strongest battles
6.      If you want an extraordinary breakthrough you must be ready to master the midnight hour of prayer. 
7.      If you are facing serious threats to your life and destiny then you must master the midnight hour.
8.     To break records you must be able to master the midnight hour.
9.      Most destruction you see that happened during the day first took place at the midnight hour.
10.  The battle of the bed does not allow you master the midnight hour.
Luke22: 39-... Exd11:4
11.   To release judgement on wickedness around you, the best time to take the battle is at the midnight hour.

Midnight forces to conquer

1.       Witchcraft forces
2.      Animal Spirits 
3.      Familiar Spirits 
4.      Spirit of Delay
5.      Night caterers
6.      Spirit Husband/Wife
7.      Spirit of death

How do you engage in midnight battles

1.       Live a holy life
2.      Be disciplined
3.      Do not set unrealistic timing e.g 12-5am. U must start with a minimum of 30mins.
4.      Walk with your revelations 
5.      Learn to give glory to God.


There is a time to take over and a time to take over


Minister: PST Evelyn Chidi
Matt. 12: 9-15- Then the Pharisees went out, and held a council against him, how they might destroy him. But when Jesus knew it, he withdrew himself from thence

1.       Withdrawal is when you retire to retreat in God's presence

2.      When you step back to take a rest in order to re-strategize.

3.    It is sad that most people at the time when they are supposed to withdraw rather increase their speed, thereby leading to too many negative happenings and mistakes.

4.   There is always a moment of withdrawal in life and the essence of the withdrawal is for you to examine yourself and your relationship with God.

5.   To be victorious in war is not qualified with the number of battles you're fighting, but your victory in each battle. A moment of withdrawal is not negotiable.
#1King 19:2&3- Prophet Elijah withdrew himself after getting the threat message from Jezebel.

6.      In your moment of withdrawal God gives you a fresh annoiting, and new insights.

7.      No matter how spiritually filled you're there is always a moments of withdrawal.


1.       Moment of withdrawal does not mean you're a coward
2.      Moment of withdrawal does not mean you have surrendered to the enemy.
3.      Moment of withdrawal takes you away from untimely death
4.      Moment of withdrawal prevents your glory, star, gift and intellect from being cut short.
5.      Moment of withdrawal gives you a better opportunity, it gives you a good advantage to attack your enemy and come out victoriously.
6.      Moment of withdrawal gives you the opportunity to nurture that seed God has planted in you.

1.       If you fight when you're not supposed to, you may not fight for the rest of your life again.
2.      When God has spoken to you to withdraw.
3.      If your spiritual strength cannot sustain you in that battle, pls withdraw from that battle.
4.      If you sense the battle is stronger, than the weapon you're holding wirdraw, go and take another weapon.
5.   You must know that, the seed in your hands needs to be nurtured and protected otherwise the seed will be like the parable of the sower.

1.       Have a good relationship with God, a personal one

2.      Always pay attention to the voice of the Holy Spirit.