Monday, 28 December 2015

MFM Headquarters, Youth Church, Yaba- Sunday Sermon 27, Dec 2015- Behold I will do a new thing

Old things would pass away and new things shall spring forth
Behold I will do a new thing

Pastor Edwin

Text: 2kings 2:19-21, Numbers 16:30, Luke 8, Psalm 18:50
Isaiah 43:19- Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

Why and when does GOD do a new thing

1.         He does a new thing to show forth His glory.
2.        It is to give His children last minute breakthroughs in order to prove season and time does not hinder him.
3.        So that we can be a wonder unto many.
4.        To cancel every loss we have suffered.
5.         To give His children manna so that we know He is all sufficient.
6.        To show His supremacy.
7.         To set His people free.
Hindrances to new things/beginnings

1.       Laziness/slothfulness
2.      Foundational battles/hidden curses
3.      Unbroken life
4.      When not baptized in the HOLY GHOST
5.      Sin
6.      Hatred for positive change
How to position yourself for new beginnings;

1.       Genuine repentance
2.      Turn away from your wicked ways and forget the ugly past
3.      Call on the living GOD

4.      Give a sacrificial offering

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