Friday 1 January 2016

CONNECTING TO THE GREAT PHYSICIAN- PART 2- Wednesday Revival Service- 30/12/2015

Heal me Oh Lord and I shall be healed....

Wednesday Revival Service- 30/12/2015


Dr. D.K Olukoya (G.O MFM Worldwide)

Isaiah 49:26,  Psalm 27:2


#There is a department in the kingdom of the wicked that eat flesh and drink blood.

#When these two departments are operating in a person’s life there is nothing any doctor do.

#A man is a spirit living in a body and having a soul.  The body is an empty container carting the spirit and the soul. If the drinkers of blood and eaters if flesh descend on the body and consumes it the spirit leaves and this leads to mysterious death.

#The body, soul and spirit can be sick. The body is divided into 3 departments: the flesh, bone and blood and these 3 parts can be under attack. For example cancer of the bone, blood etc.

#The most dangerous of all sicknesses is spiritual sickness because it opens the door of other sicknesses.

#All sicknesses originate from the devil. The devil’s firm of healing is a trade by barter. He takes away chest pain and gives you HIV. It is only God that gives and heals freely.

#All sicknesses have agenda to kill, steal or destroy. Therefore, sicknesses can either go away of kill or destroy the person.

#When  a power of darkness is programmed in a sickness one can easily determine. Most times an attack is carried from dream life to real life.

#When an infirmity defeats medical treatment plan,  then it is demonically sponsored.

#You have knowledge of all these things am teaching you because not everything answers to prayers, some things answers to knowledge and some answers to the word of God.

#99% of infirmities are sponsored by the power of darkness

#The reason why we call Jesus the great physician is because whether it is physical or spiritual infirmity he has the answer to all infirmities.

#Jesus is the best surgeon because he performs survey without a knife.

#Only Jesus offers ultimate salvation and healing

#He heals without drugs

#He employs variety of spiritual measures to heal us. Sometimes he healed by word of mouth, some times by laying of hands, sometimes by prayer of faith, sometimes by casting out devils.

#Jesus prevents us from spiritual death.

#His medicine are his words of promise, his visitation and his blood.

What to do to overcome sicknesses

#Confess your sins to the Lord and repent of your sins
#Call upon the great physician.

Prayer points

#Oh God arise, save me and I shall be saved, heal me and I shall be healed in Jesus name.

#Thought powers of eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood, die, in the name of Jesus.

#Blood of Jesus fight for me, in Jesus name.

#Holy Ghost Fire, laminate my life, in Jesus name.

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