Thursday 17 March 2016

MFM HEADQUATER'S YOUTH CHURCH- Sunday sermon- March 13.16- O Lord, show me your Glory!- Pst Kunle Adesanya

Sunday Service
Topic: O Lord, show me your Glory!
Text: Exo 33: 11-23
Preacher: Pst Kunle Adesanya

What is the Glory of God?
1.       Awesome power of God
2.      Light of God overshadowing a life completely
3.      Nature of God
4.      Heaviness of His presence upon a life
5.      God’s majesty, which is exhibited in holiness
6.      Anointing of God that will enable a person do exploits

7 Prayers to reposition us unto receiving God’s Glory (Isa6:1-3)
1.  Lord, let your Grace go before me. Grace is divine acceptance and love released upon one’s life by God. Types of Grace: Great Grace, Glorious Grace, Abundant Grace, Sufficient Grace etc
2.   Lord, show me thy way that I may know thee. Procedure to living rightly before God; Divine prescription for healthy living; Divine route to holiness
3.     Lord, let your presence go with me- Presence: Pillar of clouds by day and pillar of fire by night; Divine comprehensive insurance .e divine protection
4.      Father Lord, let me find favour in thy sight
5.      Lord, give me rest of mind from all my struggles
6.      Lord, let the words of my mouth and meditation of my heart be acceptable before YOU
7.      Lord, show me your Glory

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