Friday 1 July 2016

ELEVATION CHURCH LEKKI LAGOS- Abridged Sunday Sermon- Pastor Godman Akinlabi

Elevation Church Lekki, Lagos

Pastor Godman Akinlabi

Text: Isaiah 65:21-24 - 

Get in Gear: What drives us to work?
When worship, I work, when I'm working , I'm worshipping God.
Work is a calling from God. 
What extent does your worldview drive your beliefs/ responses of a workplace.

What does God have to say about work?

1.            During those days, the quality of work was the testament to their belief in Jesus. 
2.            Genesis 2:5, 8, 15.
3.            Man wasn't created to be jobless. He was to tend and keep.
4.            Our vocation is the first calling from God.
5.            We need to find a connection between our faith and work. Our Christianity cannot be disconnected from our work.

Four ways my faith drives my work

1.            My faith gives an inner balance without which my work can destroy me. We should derive our esteem from Christ and not our work. Who we are in Christ deals with the pressure of achievement and success. Ephesians 2:10.

2.            My faith enables dignity without which little work can discourage me. In most parts of the work, there is no dignity of labor. But when we are Christians we shouldn't see things beneath us. We speak lightly to people that do little work. When we refuse to celebrate the dignity in labor, they are forced into negative works. We need to create an environment where everyone is not looked down on.

3.            My faith gives me a moral compass without which work can corrupt me. What will you do or not do for profit? My faith gives me direction at work. Many people believe morality is relative. Morality may be relative but righteousness is not. We need to accept ourselves as the righteousness in Christ Jesus. Prov 14:34, Rev 22:12.

4.            My faith gives me hope without which my effort may seem/can meaningless. Our faith in Christ makes us stand and not give up even in this place of work. We rejoice in the fact that we have played our own part. 

MFM LEKKI YOUTH CHURCH- 260616 - Pastor Ogochukwu Odum

Beggars At The Gate Of The Temple

Preacher: Ogochukwu Odum

Text: Act 3: 1-8

Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour (3:00 p.m.), and a man who had been unable to walk from birth was being carried along, whom they used to set down every day at that gate of the temple which is called [a]Beautiful, so that he could beg alms from those entering the temple. So when he saw Peter and John about to go into the temple, he began asking [them] for coins. But Peter, along with John, stared at him intently and said, “Look at us!” And the man began to pay attention to them, eagerly expecting to receive something from them. 

How to identify beggars at the gate of the church

1.   Those that have not entered into the fullness of salvation. They do not understand the authority they have as believers and children of God and as joint heirs with Christ. (the beggar was at the gate and did not believe that he could go into the church to receive his miracle)

2.    They always ask for the wrong things James 4:3. They ask amiss therefore they do not receive. (The beggar asked for alms instead of asking for healing from Apostles who has healed many)

3.    They do not care about the act of praying and bible study. (peter and John where going into the temple to pray and the beggar remained outside begging for alms).

4.      They are comfortable with their positions/problem as far as they do not pay the sacrifice of praying.

5.   They always need people to assist them, they allow people take the place of God (the beggar was carried by people and begged alms from people-NO place for God)

6.   They may seem focused from their actions and activities but their heart/expectations is far from God (They beggar gave his attention to Peter and John expecting to get alms from them instead of his healing-Act3:4-5)

7.    They attend church services but do not reap the full benefits of the cross because their hearts do not believe.

8.   They doubt even when the word their life needs has been sent forth. (In the name of Jesus, rise up and walk, yet he did not grab/accept the word or act in faith). They need encouragement to walk into their testimonies after the word has been sent forth. (After the Apostles decreed that he should rise up and walk, they had to pull him by the hand for him to rise up)

9.   They need a miracle before they can praise God, when things are rough they out on sackcloth. (…And with a leap he stood up and began to walk; and he went into the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God). He had been at the gate of the temple and never went into the temple to praise God until the day of his healing.

10.  They wait until they are old or almost inactive to be of use to God before they walk into the will of God or answer God’s call. (Acts 4- The beggar was well over 40 years when he received his healing)

What to do
1.      Genuine Repentance
2.      Receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost
3.      Devout yourself to prayer and bible study
4.      Understand and believe in the promises of God contained in his word

5.      Be an instrument and a vessel for God

The Redeemed Evangelical Mission, Lagos (TREM)- Abridged Sunday Sermon 260616 - Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Topic: Secured in your foundation
Text: Psalm 11 v 1-3
Preacher: Bishop Mike Okonkwo

1.             We live in a world of corruption. However, by virtue of 2 Peter 1v5, there is an escape for us. The question is Who are you looking at? Where are you focused? David said he put his trust in God. Faith is different from trust. Faith is confidence in God. Your faith can fail. Trust is a commitment, even when things are going the other way, I will still trust God. It was trust that made Ruth follow Naomi and Ruth became blessed and found herself in the lineage of Christ because she trusted God.

2.            Trusting is letting God do the work. But when you want to do the work, God will rest and allow you struggle. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego trusted God and he didn't fail them.

3.            Many of us run to the wrong mountains. Trusting in your certificate, Trusting in money, trusting in connection. Trust in man will always fail. Jeremiah 17:5-8. If he can take care of the sparrows, how much more us? Daniel trusted God.

4.            When you trust in God, he will ensure that you will sow in drought and reap a hundred fold. If you want to see him, you must have a foundation in the finished work of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:2

5.            If the devil keeps on telling you, you are sinner and you can't make it, your foundation will be destroyed and you cannot build on a foundation that is destroyed. You must build on the foundation of the finished work of Christ and the fact that he has given us the ministry of reconciliation. Your qualification is in Christ.

6.            When the devil comes and shows you your inadequacies, you will tell him that if Jesus is qualified so I am qualified. Nobody is qualified based on himself. Anyone that is not qualified is now qualified to receive. That is the power of the gospel. Qualifying the unqualified.

7.            The bible shows that when Jesus met the unqualified he always told each one that your sins are forgiven. Qualifying the unqualified. He made sure he qualified each person that came to him immediately.

8.           The finished work of Jesus is your foundation and the devil is working to destroy that foundation because he knows that if he can destroy it, you will never know the victory you have in Christ. What Christ is entitled to, I am entitled to. 1 John 4:17.

9.            The way God sees Jesus is the same way he sees me. Psalm 20:7. The name of the Lord is strong tower the righteous run in and are safe. Psalm  27:13. Psalm 46:10.

10.        God has called us to reign in life but you can only do so if you rely totally on him and trust him. Isaiah 26:3. Trust and you will have shalom, nothing broken and nothing missing.  


Topic: Death must die
Text: Job10:21-22
Preacher: Pst Lanre bankole 

Facts about death

1.            Death is a personality, its everywhere (jer9:21)
2.            Death is an enemy I.e it not allowed to kill a believer cause it an enemy (1cor15:26)
3.            Death and hell are inseparable i.e hell is a chamber of death (prov7:27)
4.            Devil has the power to kill e.g job (heb2:14)
5.            When you're in light, death cannot overcome you
6.            your enemy (spiritual and physical ) has the power to kill (psalm 143:3)
7.            Even if God has decided that you must die, that decision can be reversed (isa38:1;38) 
8.            There's a sickness unto death. Such sickness defies medical explanation
9.            Never take the dream of death lightly, it is an invitation unto death e.g coffin dreams
10.       Cemetery is the coven of death.
Antidotes against untimely death 

1. Word of God (pro4:20-22; Rev12:11; Psalm107:20)
2. Righteousness (pro10:2)
3. Always seek the face of God on any matter (pro14:12)

Wednesday 25 May 2016

HOUSE ON THE ROCK (HOTR)- Abridge Sunday sermon 220516. "Made Righteous By the Free Gift"

  No man not even yourself can unmake what God has made. Because the gift was not given by performance, it cannot be taken by non-performance.


Preacher: Pastor Paul Adefarasin


1.            Being in right standing with the testator of all times enables you access to the receiving the inheritance God has given and bestowed on us.
2.            We were made the righteousness of God by the free gift and all you do is receive it. It is passive...(by grace are you saved through faith) Romans 5:18-21, 5:19a & b, 1:16-17, 10:2-4, 6:14 2 Corn5:21, jer 31:33, 
3.            God through grace will take the bondage away from your heart on the inside, while religion will only take away the fear on the outside
4.            Righteousness takes the desire for sin away from your heart. 
5.            What is in the name of Jesus that makes it so powerful? It's the gospel of Jesus Christ.
6.            Your motivation for salvation should be love for God and not fear of death. As a sinner you have no is given after salvation.
7.            What you do does not determine your righteousness. One man made you a sinner and by one man you were made righteous.
8.            No man not even yourself can unmake what God has made. Because the gift was not given by performance, it cannot be taken by non-performance.
9.            The gift has nothing to do with you. The gift was a prerogative of the giver and not the recipient. Your witness is the gift of Jesus in your life. 
10.        All God wants from your is BELIEVE..
11.        The righteousness of God is revealed on faith to far as your Adam remains crucified, your Christ will be free.
12.        Do not predicate your ability to receive from God on your sins because Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believes.
13.        Holiness is not behavior modification. He fulfilled the law.....'filled it fully'. Do not pay for that which God has already paid for.
14.        We are no longer in the system of the law which revealed Sin. We would have not known sin if not for the law. What strengthens sin is the law. (See Romans 1-4 personally)
15.        You have to own the gospel...until your own the gospel it doesn't really work for you.
16.        We are qualified not of our own doing but by what Christ did on the cross.
17.        Your obedience cannot contribute to your righteousness but Christ. It's a battle of the mind and a thinking pattern. 2corn 10:4.
18.        The Gospel is not is favour 
19.        Embrace his obedience on your behalf because you will never be obedient enough to get anything from him. 2 corn 10:4-5, Rom 6 14-18
20.        SIN is responsible for death, sorrow, poverty etc, but SIN has no power over GRACE. 6:14. The obedience required is from one...JESUS Rom 5:12&17. He paid for all sin

21.        The question to be asked is what system do you believe?? The system of the law (James 1:15) or the System of Grace? Choose grace

The Redeemed Evangelical Mission, Lagos (TREM)- Abridged Sunday Sermon 220516-Giving: A secret for living above the drought

Image result for giving' image
If you sow once then you'll reap once. But if you sow continually, you'll reap continually.
Giving: A secret for living above the drought
Gen 8:20-22. Gen 26:1-6,12.
Preacher: Rev. Steve Ahanotu


1.            If it is a secret then it's not available to everyone. Psalm 25:14. Matt 13:11. Another word for secret is mystery. Giving is a revelation.
2.            It is possible for someone to be in the kingdom and not key to kingdom principles.
3.            There is a principle of giving and receiving, in the time of drought. There would be shortage. It is possible that we are experiencing a shortage. There could be limitations currently but we could be rejoicing and thanksgiving. 
4.            Job 22:29. Isaiah 58:11. Jeremiah 17:8. God must be your source and you must be connected to him to enjoy this. 
5.            One thing that is clear though that before you can harvest, you must sow.
6.            If you sow once then you'll reap once. But if you sow continually, you'll reap continually.
7.            Bread to the eater and seed to the sower. Some people eat both the bread and the seed.
8.            You are to sow the seed and eat that bread not both! You must sow. You can't go to a field to get harvest if you haven't sown.
9.            It doesn't matter how hard the ground is, the seed is powerful to break the ground. 2 Cor 9v6-10. Isaiah 55:10
10.        You can be above drought, if you're a consistent sower of time, service etc how much have you contributed to make someone's life better.
11.        God blesses so you'll become a blessing and be a channel for God. Not for you to get all you can and can all you get. 

12.        Isaac sowed consistently and he reaped in the same land that there was a famine and he became the richest man even in drought. 

MFM HQ YOUTH CHURCH, YABA- 220516 Lovers of God- Pst Jeremiah

If you love God you would keep his commandments
Sunday service 220516
Topic: Lovers of God
Text: Matt 22:34-40
Preacher: Pastor Jeremiah 
There are four kinds of love in the bible
1.      Eros: sexual love, romantic love expected in every marriage. (Gen34:1-4). It is important to note that anybody you're allowing to sleep with you without been married is a stranger and is leading you to destruction.
2.      Phileo: reciprocal relationship; love with friends (1sam18:1-3)
3.      Storge: family love; love towards parents and children 
4.      Agape: God's kind of love and it can be found among those in kingdom of God. This kind of love seeks the highest good of people and causes a man to love the people who do not even like him

Why should I walk in love
1.      It a prove of my godliness (1jhn4:3)
2.      It a prove of God presence in us(1jhn5:12,16)
3.      It a prove you're genuinely born again(1jhn4:7)
4.      It a prove of the fruit of the spirit of God in my life (gal5:22)
5.      It is a prove you're walking in practical faith (gal5:6)
6.      It is a prove of the affection of God that you really cleave (deut11:30)
7.      It is a prove of genuine discipleship (jhn13:34-35)

Who are the lovers of the Lord God

1.      Those that increase in the knowledge of God (hos4:6)
2.      Those that patiently look forward to the coming of Christ and prepare towards it (2thes3:5)
3.      Those that keep and obey the word of God and His commandment and walk in all his ways (Jhn 14:15,21,23-24)
4.      Those that refuses to set their love and affection on things of this world (1jhn2:15-17)
5.      Those that walk in love with their brethren in Christ without any hate in their (1jhn4:20)
6.      Those that serve the God with all their heart and soul (Deut 10:13;11:13-15)
7.      Those that obey the voice of the Lord
8.      Those who're always joyful, rejoicing and praising God always (psl5:11)
9.      Those that hate evil in all ramifications (Psalm 97:10)

10.  Those that feed the sheep and lambs of Jesus (Jhn21:15)


Topic: Terminating evil appointment 
Ministering: Pastor Moses
Text: Esther 3 v 7-10 
1.      Everything that happens is pre-ordained in the realm of the spirit 
2.      The enemy works behind. 
3.      Any matured spiritual person would know this is the end time 

Different types of enemies 
1.      The enemies that put themselves under oath that " Over my dead body enemy” would someone progress 
2.      The enemies that operate behind the scene enemy. They are the ones that keep in place evil appointment and are very difficult to deal with because they work secretive 
3.      Manipulative or insider enemy- These enemies conceal their intentions and appear nice. They are the faceless enemy and are difficult to identify
4.      The vicious and dangerous. They know the strength and weaknesses of their victim.
5.      The enemies that keep evil appointment for their appointed victim
6.      The enemies that puts in place date of calamity, accident, sudden death for their victims unknowingly

How to deal with such enemies Psalm 125:3 
1.      They that trust in the lord shall be like mount Zion Trust in the lord absolutely and not on yourself 1 Peter 3v 12:-13
2.      Please God in everything you do 
3.      Psalm 41 the lord shall preserve you in time of trouble, shall strengthen you
4.      Do not live in fear and suspicion of everyone. (Do not suspect people of being witches) Have faith in God and trust him to deliver you`
5.      Pray for God to open your spiritual eyes to see differently