Friday 1 July 2016


Topic: Death must die
Text: Job10:21-22
Preacher: Pst Lanre bankole 

Facts about death

1.            Death is a personality, its everywhere (jer9:21)
2.            Death is an enemy I.e it not allowed to kill a believer cause it an enemy (1cor15:26)
3.            Death and hell are inseparable i.e hell is a chamber of death (prov7:27)
4.            Devil has the power to kill e.g job (heb2:14)
5.            When you're in light, death cannot overcome you
6.            your enemy (spiritual and physical ) has the power to kill (psalm 143:3)
7.            Even if God has decided that you must die, that decision can be reversed (isa38:1;38) 
8.            There's a sickness unto death. Such sickness defies medical explanation
9.            Never take the dream of death lightly, it is an invitation unto death e.g coffin dreams
10.       Cemetery is the coven of death.
Antidotes against untimely death 

1. Word of God (pro4:20-22; Rev12:11; Psalm107:20)
2. Righteousness (pro10:2)
3. Always seek the face of God on any matter (pro14:12)

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