Topic: Secured in your foundation
Text: Psalm 11 v 1-3
Preacher: Bishop Mike Okonkwo
Text: Psalm 11 v 1-3
Preacher: Bishop Mike Okonkwo
1. We live in a world of corruption. However, by virtue of 2 Peter 1v5, there is an escape for us. The question is Who are you looking at? Where are you focused? David said he put his trust in God. Faith is different from trust. Faith is confidence in God. Your faith can fail. Trust is a commitment, even when things are going the other way, I will still trust God. It was trust that made Ruth follow Naomi and Ruth became blessed and found herself in the lineage of Christ because she trusted God.
2. Trusting is letting God do the work. But when you want to do the work, God will rest and allow you struggle. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego trusted God and he didn't fail them.
3. Many of us run to the wrong mountains. Trusting in your certificate, Trusting in money, trusting in connection. Trust in man will always fail. Jeremiah 17:5-8. If he can take care of the sparrows, how much more us? Daniel trusted God.
4. When you trust in God, he will ensure that you will sow in drought and reap a hundred fold. If you want to see him, you must have a foundation in the finished work of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:2
5. If the devil keeps on telling you, you are sinner and you can't make it, your foundation will be destroyed and you cannot build on a foundation that is destroyed. You must build on the foundation of the finished work of Christ and the fact that he has given us the ministry of reconciliation. Your qualification is in Christ.
6. When the devil comes and shows you your inadequacies, you will tell him that if Jesus is qualified so I am qualified. Nobody is qualified based on himself. Anyone that is not qualified is now qualified to receive. That is the power of the gospel. Qualifying the unqualified.
7. The bible shows that when Jesus met the unqualified he always told each one that your sins are forgiven. Qualifying the unqualified. He made sure he qualified each person that came to him immediately.
8. The finished work of Jesus is your foundation and the devil is working to destroy that foundation because he knows that if he can destroy it, you will never know the victory you have in Christ. What Christ is entitled to, I am entitled to. 1 John 4:17.
9. The way God sees Jesus is the same way he sees me. Psalm 20:7. The name of the Lord is strong tower the righteous run in and are safe. Psalm 27:13. Psalm 46:10.
10. God has called us to reign in life but you can only do so if you rely totally on him and trust him. Isaiah 26:3. Trust and you will have shalom, nothing broken and nothing missing.
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