Monday, 25 January 2016

MFM HEADQUATRES YOUTH CHURCH- SUNDAY SERMON 24/01/16- The School of Mouth Management- Dr. Dk. Olukoya

Your mouth is the compass of your life.....control it wisely

The School of Mouth Management

Ministering: Dr. DK Olukoya (G.O MFM Worldwide) 

Text: proverbs 18:7, psalm 141:3

Prov 18:7- A fool's mouth is his ruin, and his lips are a snare to his soul

*If there is any university you have to go to and get a degree, is the university of mouth management. it is a small thing but can take way a big thing.
*The mouth has the capacity to destroy, it can kill you, it can be a trap, snare, cage.
*Your mouth is the compass of your life. A closed mouth is a closed destiny

Why do you need to manage your mouth:
1.        Because your mouth will determine your life’s direction
2.        Your life today is as a result of what you said yesterday
3.        It can destroy does around you
4.        It can destroy your credibility
5.        It can take you to hell fire
6.        It determines the kind of person you will be
7.        Our words have creative, double barrel power, undying power
8.        It can shape and define your life
9.        It has directing power
10.     It can affect your life negatively or positively
11.     It has power to hunt us
12.     It has the power of death and hell fire
13.     It can produce wonders and horrors

How do you  manage your mouth:

1.    Know the danger
2.    Recognize that the misuse of your mouth is a problem of your heart
3.    Understand why GOD gave you a tongue
4.    Confess your sins of misuse of your tongue
5.    Refuse to use your tongue for the devil
6.    Minister deliverance to your tongue
7.    Ask yourself seven questions before you talk
             i.        Are my words true, even if it is, do I have to talk about it?
            ii.        This thing I want to say will it do anybody good?
           iii.        Is it helpful?
          iv.        Is it inspiring?
            v.        Does it edify?
          vi.        Is it kind?
         vii.        Is it necessary?

Prayer points
1.    My mouth receive the fire of GOD in the name of JESUS

2.    Any problem that came into my life through my tongue, die in the name of JESUS 

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