Monday 25 January 2016

MFM LEKKI YOUTH CHURCH 2ND SERVICE SERMON - 24/01/16- Your word and your freedom- PASTOR OMONIYI

No permission was required to tie you, therefore, GOD does not need permission to untie you.....

Your word and your freedom

Pastor Omoniyi
Text: psalm 107:20, Mark 11:2-7, psalm 105:19-20


The freedom and deliverance you desire is tied to the word of GOD. Many people are stranded in life because their word has not located them.
Mark 11:2-7 - and saith unto them, Go your way into the village over against you: and as soon as ye be entered into it, ye shall find a colt tied, whereon never man sat; loose him, and bring him

(Lessons from the Story of the Colt tied down in the village)

1.        Until your word comes, nothing would happen
*You have to locate your location
*When you find your location, you will get your allocation
*The absence of the instruction that will lead you to your location is the presence of destruction.

2.       No permission was required to tie you, therefore, GOD does not need permission to untie you.

3.       Some people’s problems started from when they were babies. It is obvious that a colt is a baby donkey. 

4.       When you are about to get free, the owners I.e those that tied you would show up to lay claim over you.

5.       The village where the colt was tied down signifies that most problem of people tied down is a problem of foundation.

*There are some battles you cannot fight alone, GOD would send someone to assist you in fighting them.

6.       Mark 11: 4- And they went their way, and found the colt tied by the door without in a place where two ways met; and they loosed him- the place many people are tied down are surrounded by doors that they cannot access because their bondages have restricted movement.

What to do

1.      Surrender your life to JESUS

2.     Pray aggressively 

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