Saturday 9 January 2016

Mfm Lekki Youth Church-Thursday Weekly Service 7/01/2016- The Analysis of Laziness

The lazy man says there is a lion on the street and does not go out to look for bread....

The Analysis of Laziness

Minister- Pastor Tobi Popoola 

Prov 6:9-11, Eccl 10:10, Prov 20:13, Prov 19:15, Prov 18:9, Prov 20:4

Facts about Laziness

1. It is the spirit of ‘I will do it if it does not take too much effort’.
2. Listening to the voice of I will do it tomorrow.
3. It is the spirit of indifference
4. It is pulling back emotionally from any thing important or demanding.
5. It is displaying a passive approach to life.
6. When there’s no passion for being competitive in any thing.
7. It is the spirit that cares for nothing
8. It is the attitude of leaving when the work has just started
9. Getting used to a less demanding life
10. When you do not want to pay the price of anything
11. Failure to do what ought to be done.
Dangers of laziness
1. You can never experience and enjoy the best of God
2. God cannot use a lazy man
3. Lazy people will begin a thing but they cannot finish it
4. Inability to contribute positively to others
5. You become unteachable
6. You become a wishful thinker
7. You would end up in poverty.

Symptoms of Laziness

#When you love sleep
#Dissatisfaction with what does not go well with your body
#If the process of change would create a discomfort around you.
#When you talk more than your action
#When you find it difficult to write your vision on a piece of paper
#When are the best amongst all your friends and anytime someone better than you spring up you leave the circle of friends
#When you fail to meet up with divine appointment
#When you can not win the battle of the bed.
#When you lack meaningful quiet time.
#When you creative idea but you have not carried out any
#When your spiritual growth is behind
#When you promise your self and you fail your self.

Levels of Laziness

1. When you choose the easy part
2. Disobedience to the voice of the Holy Spirit
3. Inherited Laziness
4. Demonic laziness- difficulty to do spiritual exercises

How to deal with Laziness

1. Recognize that laziness is a sin
2. Decide to deal with Laziness
3. Counter laziness with fasting and prayer
4. Learn the principle of diligence and hard work
5. Learn the discipline of rising up early.
6. Have respect for time.
7. Carry out personal deliverance
8. Write down your weekly goals
9. Not everything that has to do with your destiny should be delegated....Moses did not delegate hearing from God.
10. Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit he doesn’t cooperate with Laziness.

Prayer points

1. Open my eyes to see where my prosperity lies.
2. Spirit of expansion, come upon my business.
3. Spirit of expansion, fall upon my career
4. My father put an end to financial robbers in my life

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