Saturday 9 January 2016

Mfm HQ- Wednesday Revival Service- Connecting to the great physician (Part 3)

He sent forth His word and he healed their diseases. 

Connecting to the great physician (Part 3)

Minister- Dr. DK Olukoya (G.O MFM Worldwide) 

Text: psalm 18:45- The strangers shall fade away, and be afraid out of their close places.

Luke 11:21-22- When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goodsare in peace: But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armor wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils.


#There is something that can happen to the strangers, which is the terror of GOD.

#It is possible for strangers to occupy all, ¾ of the rooms of a person’s life.

#The HOLY SPIRIT is a perfect gentleman.

#Every kind of infirmity  is a stranger.

#The stranger would make way when a greater force comes in.

#There is strongman but there is a stronger man which is JESUS CHRIST.

#The Bible is the only book with answers to man’s problems.

#Carefully hidden behind multitude of minor sicknesses are clever spiritual forces, they majorly steal, kill and destroy.

#They thrive because of our ignorance of the word of GOD.

#For the enemy to succeed against us, there must be a ladder.

#It is not GOD’s fault if we fail to apply the wisdom given to us.

#Operating behind the symptoms of sicknesses are spirits.

#Prayer demobilizes these agents of sickness.

#When there is a return of sickness, it is achieved either by re-entering or by re-energizing their powers if they were not cast out.

When these clever spirits are in charge:

1. Rapid onset of infirmity leading to rapid death
2. Anniversary sicknesses, same time every year
3. Body of the person receives strange information to behave abnormal
4. Programmed animals in the body
5. Dream animal attacks
6. The blood level just falls abnormally
7. Some grow leaner
8. Sicknesses of adults upon the young people vice versa
9. Inherited sicknesses
10. Transferred operation, sickness transferred from someone to another
11. Go through multiple surgeries
12. Regular night feeding
13. Complicated sicknesses

What to do to overcome sicknesses 

#Confess your sins to the Lord and repent of your sins
#Call upon the great physician.

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