Saturday 16 April 2016

MFM HEADQUATER'S YOUTH CHURCH- Sunday Sermon- April 10.16- "The Sons of Nicodemus"

Dont just be a church goer, you must believe

Topic: The sons of Nicodemus

Text: Jhn 3: 1-10

Preacher: Pst Femi Babanboni

What is the spirit of Nicodemus?
1.      Ever learning but never coming to the knowledge
2.      Spirit that doesn’t want to be identified with Christ publicly but secretly (Jhn3: 2a)
3.      Church goers but not born-again
4.      Miracle seekers (Jhn3: 2b) i.e they came to be served by God but not to serve God
5.      Spirit that keeps one from hearing but not understanding
6.      Spirit of leaders/teachers in the church but know nothing (Jhn3: 10)
7.      Spirit of confusion (Jhn3: 9)
8.      Spirit that has a form of goodliness but deny the power thereof
9.      Spirit of those that claim to be serving God but have no converts
10.  Spirit starts in the church and ends in the world
11.  Spirit of unbelief
12.  Spirit of the condemned

How to terminate the spirit of Nicodemus?
A.      Genuinely give your life to Christ
B.      Start identifying with Jesus everywhere you go
C.      Make it point of duty to win at least one soul every week- The more you evangelize, the more you grow spiritually and want to know more about God
D.     We need to go back to the old land mark of prayerfulness
E.      Make an impact anywhere you find yourself
F.      If you go back to your past life after leaving today, there is danger.

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