Saturday 16 April 2016

The Commonwealth of Zion Assembly, Lagos (COZA)- Abridged Sunday sermon April 10/16- "FERVENCY IN THE SPIRIT" by Pastor Folarin Ogunsola

In the place of prayer, there is nothing like going on vacation


Pastor Folarin Ogunsola 

Luke 9:28-29 -About eight days after Jesus said this, he took Peter, John and Jameswith him and went up onto a mountain to pray. 29 As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning.

Key Points
1.       Prayer is the air we breathe.
2.      Never pause from prayer even when on vacation.
3.      Prayer shouldn't be one of those things rather it should be the main thing.
4.      The greatest undoing of Christians is refusing to tap out of the fullness of God for your life.
5.      Transfiguration happens during the act of praying. 
6.      Proximity isn't favour. We shortchange ourselves by not praying.

There are three types of Christians:
1.       Cold Christians. Matthew 24:12. This happens when iniquity abounds. 
2.      Lukewarm Christians. Rev 2:16. 
3.      Fervent Christians. Romans 12:11. Matthew 11:12. This means to be hot. This word relates to a metal that is under heat till it bubbles. Being fervent in the spirit is not dependant on temperament. This is about the spirit. Col 4:12, James 5:16. Your production is in your fervency. Ephesians 5:18-19. To be fervent, it has to be a habit not just an act. 

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