Saturday, 16 April 2016

HOUSE ON THE ROCK (HOTR)- Abridge Sunday sermon April 10.16. "The Power of Divinely Orchestrated Process"

The story of Joseph was a back story to a front palace. What you are going through is a controlled process to take you to that prepared place

The Power of Divinely Orchestrated Process

Preacher: Pastor Paul Adefarasin 

Text: Psalm 105:17-21, Matt 4:18-2-, Ish 9:8, 43:1, Gen 32:26-31, 28:10-16


1. The promise of God is what provokes the trials that we go through. Fulfillment happens when you are in sync with the maker of your life. There must be a process before the fulfillment of purpose/destiny. If you work on the process, you will get there. Understanding this is what separates the called from the chosen.

2. The degree of your trial depends on the degree of your calling. The story of Joseph was a back story to a front palace. What you are going through is a controlled process to take you to that prepared place…..The Dream- Gen 37

3. You have to make an effort to love the process and if you love the promise more than the process, you will not last on the throne that is if you even get there at all.

4. Great men and woman are made out of great trial because greatness is made out of the crucible (pain, trauma, trouble, fire) and God loves you too much to give you a crown without a process.

5. A new you is being formed through the process/trials of the old you and you must learn to respect the process. Appointment doesn’t come until you are ready which cannot happen without the process. The pain you go through is on purpose and only purpose can bring you to the place where you respect God’s will over your desire. God always makes a man before he performs his mission. PAIN IS YOUR PROPHET TO PREACH TO YOU.

6. Your vision is a “triple X” size but you are still an “s” so he has to expand and enlarge you for you to fit perfectly in it. You grow in trouble and it is making a mighty person out of you. The process strengthens you on the inside with longsuffering and joy that your promise invokes. God spends time with the dreamer because he knows how delicate your destiny is and the need for it to be protected.

8. You only know your strength when it is tested. He will not give you more than you can bear so if you show up, God will show off on your behalf and whatever he allows in your life means you can deal with it. 1Corn. 10:13.7. Without an authentic process, there will be no manifestation. You must learn to love and respect the process because that is what builds authority. Process develops character and mind views so fall in love with it.

Things to know about a divinely orchestrated Process:

A. It’s a series of orchestrated events that challenge you to grow and beat you into shape.

B. It’s a series of gradual graduated changes in your life designed to make you ready for your dream.

C. The process has to be deserved and recognized for it to work for you so learn to embrace because it attracts favor.

D. Stop fighting the process and submit to it. Gen 17, 21:1-3, 22:1-3

#You can purchase the CD at The Rock Cathedral, Lekki Phase 2

MFM LEKKI YOUTH CHURCH, LEKKI PHASE 1,(1st Service SERMON April 10.16 - "The Reason Why You Are Having a Bad Day"

Image result for image on commanding the day
Any time you rush out of the house, you rush into anything your day has to offer you

Psalm 143:8- Let the morning bring me word of your unfailingly love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.
Psalm 5:3- In the morning Lord you hear my voice, I lay my request before you and I look up to you.

Key points

1.       Any time you rush out of the house, you rush into anything your day has to offer you.
2.      It is more important to spend quality time with God in the morning than attend a Sunday service.
3.       If a believer spends quality time with God in the morning, God would be accountable and responsible for anything that happens to him.
4.      Once your commit the day’s business into the hands of God, God would order your steps.
5.      Once you commune with God in the morning, the grace of God would abound in that day.
6.      Everyday requires a fresh grace, anointing and open heavens
7.      The word for your life is waiting for you that hour that you ought to spend with God.
8.     The morning controls the afternoon and the afternoon gives birth to the evening
9.      People spend time complaining about their day but they cannot spend just 1hour with God.

The necessary things to do in the morning

1.       Repent of any known sin
2.      Be full of thanksgiving
3.      Prayerful make decisions in the morning
4.      Study the word of God
5.      Make positive statements about your day, Make yourself happy

6.      Draw a daily chart of your agenda for yourself.  

The Redeemed Evangelical Mission, Lagos (TREM)- Abridged Sunday Sermon April 10.16- "Blessings of Delay" by Bishop M. Okonkwo

God is never too late....


Text- John 11:1-25 -  6So when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days,and then he said to his disciples, “Let us go back to Judea.” 11 After he had said this, he went on to tell them, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up.”

Key Points to connect with

1.       He loved them that is why he delayed. Love made him wait for another 2 days. Because he wanted to reveal a dimension of himself that no one had ever known before that time. He had not died yet. Death was missing in the way he introduces himself. Through death he has brought immortality to life.

2.      He says I'm the resurrection and life. This means that death is no longer an issue to us as believers. Whatever is dead in your life will come alive. He revealed himself as the resurrection. He loved them too much so that he could open their veils so that they would see what others have not seen. 

3.      After the delay, when he says it's his time, the restoration is always awesome.
I would rather have one special blessing than have riff raffs. Understand that when it comes to delays, just TRUST God that it's coming.

4.      Genesis 12 v 1: once you give your life to Christ. Your life happens supernaturally. When you put your hands in what God wants to take the glory for. You produce flesh. Abraham produced Ishmael. The delay brought about the revelation of God that he is the all sufficient God. Gen 17:1. They waited for 14 years. They saw other Hebrew women give birth to children.

5.      One of the things the devil does, is that he would start by saying it is because of sin or that you haven't done some things enough that is why you're experiencing delays. God loves you so much. If I were the only sinner on earth, he would still have died. Romans 8:33. Don't ever accept condemnation. It is root of all evil. He whom the son sets free is free indeed. There is no believer that is not acceptable to God.

6.      Get connected and let God do the job. Like a branch that has dead leaves, those leaves will fall off. Same way when we connect with God, he's the one that would uproot the bad things in our life. God then changed the names of Abraham and Sarah. Think of the embarrassment, father of nations yet they didn't have children when he changed their names.

7.      I am complete in him. My life is hid in Christ in God. For the devil to reach me. He has to face God, then Jesus then me. The reason the enemy is accusing you is for you to become self-upright. You cannot come to God on your qualifications. God had already moved.
Pray for others in that situation.

8.     Gen 20: 11-18. Gen 21v 1- God beautified her so much that Abimelech wanted her even in her delay.  When last did you intercede for others. Job 42:10. You have nothing to give in order for God to move on your behalf Joshua 14. Joshua and Caleb were part of the 40years journey but what killed others did not kill them. 

MFM HEADQUATER'S YOUTH CHURCH- Sunday Sermon- April 10.16- "The Sons of Nicodemus"

Dont just be a church goer, you must believe

Topic: The sons of Nicodemus

Text: Jhn 3: 1-10

Preacher: Pst Femi Babanboni

What is the spirit of Nicodemus?
1.      Ever learning but never coming to the knowledge
2.      Spirit that doesn’t want to be identified with Christ publicly but secretly (Jhn3: 2a)
3.      Church goers but not born-again
4.      Miracle seekers (Jhn3: 2b) i.e they came to be served by God but not to serve God
5.      Spirit that keeps one from hearing but not understanding
6.      Spirit of leaders/teachers in the church but know nothing (Jhn3: 10)
7.      Spirit of confusion (Jhn3: 9)
8.      Spirit that has a form of goodliness but deny the power thereof
9.      Spirit of those that claim to be serving God but have no converts
10.  Spirit starts in the church and ends in the world
11.  Spirit of unbelief
12.  Spirit of the condemned

How to terminate the spirit of Nicodemus?
A.      Genuinely give your life to Christ
B.      Start identifying with Jesus everywhere you go
C.      Make it point of duty to win at least one soul every week- The more you evangelize, the more you grow spiritually and want to know more about God
D.     We need to go back to the old land mark of prayerfulness
E.      Make an impact anywhere you find yourself
F.      If you go back to your past life after leaving today, there is danger.

The Commonwealth of Zion Assembly, Lagos (COZA)- Abridged Sunday sermon April 10/16- "FERVENCY IN THE SPIRIT" by Pastor Folarin Ogunsola

In the place of prayer, there is nothing like going on vacation


Pastor Folarin Ogunsola 

Luke 9:28-29 -About eight days after Jesus said this, he took Peter, John and Jameswith him and went up onto a mountain to pray. 29 As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning.

Key Points
1.       Prayer is the air we breathe.
2.      Never pause from prayer even when on vacation.
3.      Prayer shouldn't be one of those things rather it should be the main thing.
4.      The greatest undoing of Christians is refusing to tap out of the fullness of God for your life.
5.      Transfiguration happens during the act of praying. 
6.      Proximity isn't favour. We shortchange ourselves by not praying.

There are three types of Christians:
1.       Cold Christians. Matthew 24:12. This happens when iniquity abounds. 
2.      Lukewarm Christians. Rev 2:16. 
3.      Fervent Christians. Romans 12:11. Matthew 11:12. This means to be hot. This word relates to a metal that is under heat till it bubbles. Being fervent in the spirit is not dependant on temperament. This is about the spirit. Col 4:12, James 5:16. Your production is in your fervency. Ephesians 5:18-19. To be fervent, it has to be a habit not just an act.